Sunday 4 September 2016

Officially: Samsung is calling for the return of every Galaxy Note7 bought over battery fire hazard

Sales have stopped ...

It was the massive distribution of reports in recent days about the Samsung Galaxy Nota7 battery catching fire. Samsung feigned ignorance of it all, because it responds quickly to the crisis by announcing today, there is already an ongoing investigation. So Samsung promises a very quick decision.

So Samsung has started the process of remembering all Galaxy Nota7 worldwide. There will be the fastest possible replacement for each user making a return on its phablet. In fact, regardless of when you bought it right?

Faced with this exercise recovery Note 7, will be the official suspension of sales of all Nota7. The suspension lasts until all defective devices are recalled so that only those who correctly work with no fault runs.

Ko Dong-jin, who occupies the position of the head of the mobile phone business division Samsung, gave assurances that journalists daring statistics is now only 24 of every 1 million devices placed at risk. But the company is not taking chances of playing careless with their users, thus exerting massive return.

An excerpt from the official press release is as follows:

Samsung is committed to producing high quality products and we take each incident report of our customers seriously. In response to the new cases reported recently Nota7 Galaxy, we are conducting a thorough investigation and found a topic of battery cells.

To date (1 September) there were 35 cases reported worldwide and we are conducting a thorough inspection with our suppliers to identify potentially affected batteries on the market. However, because the safety of our customers is a top priority in Samsung, we let the sales Nota7 Galaxy.

For customers who already have Nota7 Galaxy devices, we will voluntarily replace their current device with a new one in the coming weeks.

We recognize the inconvenience this may cause on the market, but this is to ensure that Samsung continues to offer high quality products to our customers. We work closely with our partners to ensure a replacement experience is as convenient and efficient as possible.

Although Samsung was responsible for the design of the battery cell, in practice it had outsourced manufacturing to other companies. So if the blame assigned one of these plants are guilty of faulty battery.

But then, we must applaud the practice of choosing Samsung against compromising the security of its users, despite the heavy expenditure involved in this large scale recovery effort. We sincerely hope that it works as soon as possible and other major phone brands licking your fingers in delight the moment.

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