Sunday 25 September 2016

Over 70% Of The Galaxy Note 7 Clients In Canada Have Become Their Smartphones For Replacement

When Samsung launched the Galaxy Note 7 units at the beginning and introduced on the Canadian market, it was one of the regions where the most decent success recorded in the smartphone and even now recorded a new success there in regards their retirement program that was launched worldwide.

According to the Canadian branch of South Korea OEM, over 70% of all smartphone users in the region have returned to their smartphones for a replacement unit.

Before the start of retirement, the number of Galaxy Note 7s had been sold in the region clocked up 22,000 and already replacement units have already started to happen for those who have already become hers and new users same way. To differentiate these relatives of those who had defects in them due to battery concerns, there is a small black label on the product packaging.

Still though, Samsung pushes the firmware update to keep your green bar battery (instead of the normal white) to ensure that yours is not one of defectives and otherwise warn you that it needs a replacement.

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