Friday 23 September 2016

How Google and other Search Engine index your blog Post super fast

You have to ask
"Why my new position not appear in Google"
"New message not indexed by Google"
"Why does not Google indexing my new posts"
"How to index my blog faster"
Now that? What is the next step?
Do you stand there waiting for Google to come to your blog or website?
How to index your blog Message super fast? Is there a quick process?

How to index your blog Message super fast

Here I decided to write a post details on getting your next index entry in the super fast blog on Google or any other search engine.

Quality Content Writing
This is the first step to get the index of the next entry in the Quick blog.
Do proper research on the subject, find some good keywords.

Quality Content Writing ..

No copy of any other website.
Create your own content is impressive, write a long blog entry Atleast more than 500 words.
Writing blog regularly, and Google should be on your door sooner rather than later!

Start building quality backlinks

Get high quality backlinks is one of the best ways to increase web traffic and get higher ranking in Google.
Try to build high page rank sites backlinks. Here are some of the best and most common ways to build backlinks
1. Publication of visitors
2. Blog Commenting
3. Use forums
4. Interlink Blog Posts
5. Submit RSS feeds to RSS directories
6. Write awesome content and others will enjoy relink

The use of social networking sites

Social networking is as important as building quality backlinks.
Google plays very important role in this area. Try to get more Google 1 on your next blog post you can.

Facebook: The use of Facebook and it will help to attract more traffic and quickly obtain Google index

Twitter: Twitter your next blog and try to talk to others in the tweet. They would also like to share.

If you want other users to share your content on the social network and share their first request.
Remember: Give and you shall receive!
Google constantly indices of these social media sites, and all link to your blog will be followed very quickly!
blog commenting
Start by letting the high-quality content on another blog.
Especially choose CommentLuv blogs dofollow enabled.
Not only will it help you get backlink and get high page rank.
Do not let "good position" "thank you for sharing" comment on another blog.
Read the message and then share their views on this in the comments!
Using tools Pingtom
I heard for the first time?
Ping-O-Matic is an updating service
different search engines that your blog has been updated.
It is very useful and works for users of WordPress or Blogger two.
Just go to Ping-O-matrix, enter the name of your blog URL and stream URL.
Select all services and click SEND PING.
It is not like that?
Ping List updated
Do not miss it!
It is important to ping your blog.
This method only works for WordPress users.
In brief: The pings are service to update different search engines that your blog has been updated.
This step will only work on the WordPress blog. Here's how to update the list of ping WordPress in seconds.
1. Log in to your WordPress admin.
2. Click Settings> Writing
3. Scroll down and look for the section Update Services
4. Remove the current list from there.
Click the list and beyond contained in the text box below
Download the list of ping here
5. Click Save Changes
The results
Once you get your next new workstation all the tips above, you'll start seeing more Google search traffic.
The best way to ensure that new content quickly discovers is simply share it on social networks through status updates, especially in Google .
What do you think?
What other techniques have to get used to index your new blog entries? Please share in the comments!

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