Sunday 25 September 2016

Install Google Chrome Web Browser In Ubuntu Linux (And Uninstall Firefox)


Ubuntu comes with a lot of quality pre-installed software. Unfortunately, the default Web browser, Mozilla Firefox is declining - it is slow and awkward. In Linux, Google Chrome Web browser is now up, and is the best way to experience Flash content too (if still needed).

Installing Google Chrome the operating system based on Linux is not quite simple. This is unfortunate, as the giant of the web browser of the research is an important part of having a global experience of quality in Ubuntu. However, do not worry because we will help you install both the wonderful Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox uninstall disappointing.

First, you must download the appropriate file in this case. Scroll until you see "Linux". There are three versions available -. Stable, Beta and Dev You want to select "stable", as it is literally the most stable. It is designed for end users needed to surf the web with the fewest errors. Beta and Dev are designed for hunters and bugs and developers should be avoided by home users.

Below are given the options "64-bit .deb (Debian / Ubuntu)" and "64 bit .rpm (For Fedora / openSUSE)". Since you are using Ubuntu, you should choose the first. If you have Windows, you can think of a .deb file as something like an .exe file. You will need to double click the file from which it was downloaded.

Once open, it will launch the Ubuntu Software Center. This center is designed not only to find available packages, but installing .deb files downloaded too. Once complete browser installed, you can launch Google Chrome immediately by searching for "Chrome" in global research. You can save it to the pitcher for convenience as (recommended).

Finally, you must uninstall Firefox, but it's not necessary. Have two web browsers are not necessarily a bad thing, but if you can not use the Mozilla browser, why keep it? It can be easily removed in the terminal with the command below. You will be prompted to enter your password to start the process.

"Sudo apt-get remove firefox"

Congratulations! Now it has been removed and Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox installed.

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