Monday 19 September 2016

Boost Speeds On busy Computers with Project Mercury

Modern CPUs are very powerful devices that can run most applications without difficulty, but enough to execute processes together and performance fall away suddenly.

Project Mercury (64 -bit version) is a free tool that automatically optimizes process priorities and the use of RAM to ensure active application always has the maximum amount of system resources.

Installation is simple, because there is none. Download small executable, run it and Project Mercury gets to work immediately.

Start using any application and priority has been raised to "above normal". If you use a large number of processes that are struggling with the time base, an active program will now more involved.

Close the program after the Mercury project and reduces its priority, which means that not many resources that grab when running in the background.

An optional cleaning type of memory function may also reduce RAM usage of a process when it is minimized. This could be a very bad idea, because Windows may have to empty pages to disk and reload when you return, but if you are interested is easy to turn on and off.

A Settings dialog box provides access to several other parameters. Some are quite simple - you can set the "increased level of priority" for abovenormal, high or in real time, but others are more complex (basic Windows Off Parking FastReact), and as most are undocumented is completely remains to guess what might work for you.

Project Mercury will not work in all situations. Promote the prioritization process is only useful when you have a lot of active threads - if you only use one or two applications that are likely to make any difference.

No filtering process, either. You can not tell the program to optimize these applications, but let the solos - it's all or nothing.

Project Mercury is still worth the download? If you do not have anything, we'd say yes. The default setting can really help to improve the speed during heavy multitasking, there are a lot of advanced settings for experts to explore, and the program does not make persistent changes in the system. If that does not work for you, close it and you will be back to normal.

Project Mercury (64 -bit version ) is a freeware application for Windows Vista and later.

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