Monday 19 September 2016

Samsung's obsession hit "deaf" blamed for iPhone 7 Note 7 Battery fault

Samsung's obsession hit "deaf" blamed for iPhone 7 Note 7 Battery faultamsung's obsession with the use of the iPhone "boring" 7 is blamed for the explosion of the battery debacle Galaxy Note 7. It is believed that the South Korean company ran its latest flagship enjoy a iPhone making potentially disappointing level.

When Samsung executives began hearing that the iPhone 7 will not deliver "bold innovations," they saw it as an opportunity to "leap forward", according to a Bloomberg report. They were sure they could make iPhone fans disappointed in note 7.

"Vendors are open to meet tight deadlines, despite a large number of new features, another person with direct knowledge said. Note 7 would have a high resolution screen around the edges, security of iris recognition and faster and more powerful battery. "

"Teasing Apple Samsung was an imitation would be silenced forever."

As the release date approached 7 Note, Samsung employees and suppliers ", they extend their hours and were content to less sleep." Suppliers were allegedly "more pressure than usual on this occasion and were pushed harder other clients. "

"One supplier said it was particularly difficult to work with Samsung employees this time, since several times changed his mind about the features and workflow," said Bloomberg. Some workers have even been slept in their offices to avoid wasting travel time.

The only problem is, the lands providers turned against them. Shortly after note 7 made its debut - greeted by rave reviews from the press technology - the first users discovered a major flaw. Some units began overheating and explosion while they were paying.

As we know, Samsung was forced to remove all the 2.5 million units sold within weeks of note 7 is on sale, and the company is trying to replace each. He solved the problem, but some analysts say the recall will cost about $ 1 billion.

Nevertheless offering Note 7 owners of a new phone, Samsung is criticized for the way he handled the withdrawal. The fans are unhappy that asked that all terminals are back, even if they had no concrete plans to replace them at the time.

David Yoffie, professor of management at Harvard Business School, said that recovery "creates a huge problem for society. - For its reputation and its ability to support its customers when there is a problem"

Samsung will not confirm that precipitated the launch of Note 7, in an effort to bring the device to market before Apple announced the iPhone 7 series.

Instead, he insists that the timing of any new product "is determined by dividing the mobile business based on the success of the development process and the availability of products on the market," said Bloomberg is .

Samsung employees described the disaster as "humiliating" in online discussion groups. But this is not the first time reports, Samsung was quick to get a product to market before the latest iPhone.

Samsung used to announce the latest addition to the Galaxy Note series at IFA, a conference to be held in September this year. However, the Galaxy Note moved five launching a month earlier, in an effort to beat the iPhone 6s market, according to reports.

Ironically, the very division battery Samsung - Samsung SDI Co. - is blamed for the faulty batteries in the ticket line 7. Founded in 1970, the division made batteries for many other manufacturers, too - like Apple.

Note 7 The recall was made official by the Consumer Product Safety Commission in the US, which prevents dangerous unit sold by retailers. This also means that the new units will be approved before they go on sale.

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