Wednesday 21 September 2016

IOS 10.1 Beta portrait iPhone 7 Plus

When Apple introduced the iPhone 7 Plus, introducing only "portrait mode" for better portraits with dual camera on the back of the unit.

Unfortunately for iPhone owners 7 Plus, the function in question was not available out of the box. Apple promised that come in a software update later, but there was a schedule included in it. However, we now know, after seed developer beta 1 10.1, portrait mode on the stock camera application is made.

In portrait mode, users will be able to get a weak shot depth of field, similar to what is available in a DSLR. With it, the main image to the point, while the bottom has a slight blur. As TechCrunch said, after some hands-on time, the development of the function is made possible by the acquisition of Apple Linx:

"Depth Mapping using this function is a by-product of the existence of two cameras on the device. It uses the Linx technology, a company Apple acquired to create data to the image processor can be used for 3D map their environment.

This does not include all the capabilities of Apple's PrimeSense chip reacquired in 2013 (we still have to do these things fully implemented), but is to come.

For now, we receive many other benefits of both Houses, including the method "fusion" to take the image data of the two lenses wide-angle and telephoto and mix to get the best possible image of Apple. "

Portrait mode is not for every situation. Apple even highlighted it on stage while the function demos. However, with good lighting and other factors, the new portrait will certainly be a welcome addition to the iPhone owners 7 The more the more the real world.

With IOS 10.1 in its first beta seed developer, there is no information on when the software will be available to the public. However, a public beta would be released quickly, leaving people jump the earlier adventure.

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