Tuesday 27 September 2016

Nougat Release Timeline To Some Sony Xperia Models Allegedly Leaks

Sony Xperia users online escapes from mobile phones have been waiting a long time to find out when he finally be able to get their own smartphones running on the platform 7.0 nougat also. When Sony then announced that smartphones would get the update last month and included some devices in this list, which was great enthusiasm for them, but the frustration was about to launch the new deadline for the deployment will not released her.

However, the Slovak arm of phone maker could have let the deadline for the nougat also in some of its smartphones in a slideshow. If the information on the slide to be true, it means that we would see the deployment of nougats Xperia XZ and X Performance in October While November would update the compact Xperia X and X.

In this filtration, as he confirmed that the Xperia XZ be available for sale from the first week of October and is currently being released Wold at a price of $ 699.99. 

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