Sunday 4 September 2016


There are many ways that we can incorporate PDF or other documents such as Microsoft Word, spreadsheets, PowerPoint slides and Excel in our Blogger blog. However, Google Docs is probably the most authentic and reliable incorporation PDF documents on a website means. Therefore, today in this article, we show you how to integrate PDF files or other documents in the Blogger blog publications.
First, go to and Log into your Gmail or Google account to the administration privilege for documents loaded from the hard disk system.
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After logging into your Google account, the next step is to download a PDF file from the hard disk system. Pressing the battery icon on the left side panel of a menu that will have two options IE files and folders. Just select "File" and move to the next step.

Now it will ask you to select the PDF (document) to integrate into your website. Then press the release button and move on to the next step.

By pressing the release button with a small load wizard appears on the right side of the screen. It usually takes one or two minutes to load, but it is entirely dependent on the file size and the speed of your Internet connection.

When charging is complete, click the file name and it will take you to a new page. Before you can incorporate the document you need to change the public file permission. Therefore, select the action button appears in the upper right corner of the screen and change the private file permissions to open.

Tap Edit and select "Public on the web" to any Internet user can find and access. No need to connect. Finally, click the Save button to complete the wizard. For detailed instructions, see the following screen.

After you change the permission settings, now is the time to seize the embed code. In the shortcut bar select File >> Embed this PDF file. Now a new window appears providing the embed code, copy the entire code and go to the next step.

After copying the code to go to >> Creating a New Entry >> Select Tab and paste the HTML code where you want the document appears. Now in code you pasted a few moments a quest to go / preview and replace / change? USP = hand. Upload your article, and that is all.
Or by default, the document width is set to 640 pixels while the height is set to 480 pixels. You can reduce the width and height to suit your needs. You should now see a PDF attachment to their blog entries along with some important options such as downloading and etc.

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