Wednesday 7 September 2016

How Do I Disable "Raise to Listen" Audio Messages On iOS

Really, I do not know if many of us use to listen Levante feature on our iPhones. This feature lets you know if you hear or even record an audio message simply bringing the iPhone to his face. In fact, it might be useful; but in other circumstances it may be very disturbing majorly when messages are not audio type that are almost bored to death by mistake record. So here, in this tutorial we will teach you how to disable it.

As stated above the Levant to listen function can be really boring. I pity that you can begin to simply save the configuration of your phone or even just put it in your pocket. And if you do not actually use a screen saver, it has the disadvantage of causing interference with annoying enough so that the pain becomes worse encourages proximity sensor.

So if you're not a fan of this feature, I guess it's better to just disable it. But do not forget to deactivate listen Levante has no ability to interfere with the ability to increase your phone to activate. Therefore, you must have confidence in knowing that stop the increase really listen will not harm other characteristics of the dictation. An important feature is well protected dictation of this is the microphone button on the keyboard.

As has been said off Levante hearing, it is stress free. To begin, you must start your Settings application. So in the main display settings, scroll to play now "messages."

Then in the message settings screen very simply scroll approach the bottom of the section "Audio", and then just turn the switch "to listen."

We have therefore disabled the function Levante to listen, so I guess now will be free of error that involves people in how your life looks like every 25 seconds after sending text messages. Although if you have a knack for audio messages, this did not stop working with them. You simply press the microphone to record an audio message, or rather it appears.

We hope this tutorial is useful.?

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