Wednesday 7 September 2016

Guest blogs: Add or Invite the Author or Administrator In blogger

"Author's Block" terms is an inevitable part of the life of a full time blogger. And indeed, bloggers are limited to a certain point of time and attention required needed to lift the blog of grass to grace. blogs invited by adding or invite authors could be the best option to facilitate the content of the marketing effort, and the role of the administrator can help you achieve another successful blogs such as creating your SEO blog , creating pages and redesign its entirety.

As a blogger, it may lack the energy and motivation to pursue its goal of blogs.

If you are passionate blogger full time to know the importance of the guest blogging on the success of content marketing because, some time we as bloggers get stuck for content marketing ideas without fresh content and blog only continue as a blogger, you will surely lose your blog readers and trafficking as a vital part of any successful business blogs.

You have no option to enter guest blogging, which will not only save time, energy and motivation to continue research and flood the contents of your marketing effort to increase blog traffic, search engines and obtaining revenue, but it will also help build back links, credibility, branding, and the success of blogs.

Adding or inviting authors and administrator Blogger blog only works if the guest bloggers are from the same platform Google Blogspot or Blogger. You can not add or invite bloggers organized by self or another blogging platform like Wordpress, Tumblr, etc. as authors or directors on Blogspot or Blogger.

Articles Other bloggers like Wordpress, Tumblr, etc. or self hosted site can be sent to you in the form of the document (doc) or email for immediate publication by you as the administrator of the blog. Although you can also design the biological profile of an author and dedicated external sign guest bloggers organized auto blog, Wordpress, Tumblr, etc.

While the addition of guest bloggers in the same platform of blogs, you can add or invite them as authors or directors. The best great thing about blogs is invited authors add the same niche with you. You can not be a blog about making money online blogs and reception of guests on love and content of the relationship.

Different between the author and administrator


The authors have some form of restricted access to guest blog. They can add, edit and publish posts directly to guest blog dashboard.

Copyright publication on the blog via the Mail tab or by e-mail via the Settings tab. Authors can also remove members of the blog.


The administrator can see all your entries and can even remove them. You can add or remove other authors and administrators blog. This means that changing the copyright to the administrator, he or she can access the pages of blog dashboard, configuration, design, model and everything on your blog.

Since the guest blogger to whom you made the administrator may have full control over your blog, or it can also hack your account and refuse access to your blog.

The role of the administrator must be right for you as a blog owner, unless based largely on the guest blogger, or administrator is hired to work on your template designer blogger, optimize your blog for search engines, the design layout and other recording functions related website.

Add / invite author and blogger administration

Note that adding and inviting the author or blogger administrator, guest authors and directors have a Google Account.

Use the following procedures to add or invite members of the team that authors or directors to contribute to the success of blogs, either as a guest blogger or perform services through the blog:

2. Select the desired blog you want to add a guest blogger.

3. On the Blogger Dashboard, click on Settings >> >> basic authorizations.

4. In the "Authors Blog" section, click Add Authors.

5. Enter the email address of the person you want to add as a guest blogger.

6. Click Invite authors.

Subsequently, by an email invitation will be sent to the guest. After he or she accepts the invitation e-mail by clicking the confirmation link in the email contains, he or she is the author of the blog. You can add as many authors and administrators on your blog, but should not be higher than 100.

Change author of Directors.

Note: When someone accepts the invitation, he or she automatically becomes the author of the blog. But you can change the role of the guest author blogger administrator. To do this, just go to step 5 above is the permission settings and click the menu next to the name or email address of the person and select Admin.

The elimination of the authors and blogger administrators

Must if you are finished with the guest blogger, wishing he or she has access to your most blogs panel, you can simply remove that access.

2. Select the blog you want to delete the guest blogger.

3. On the Blogger Dashboard, click on Settings >> >> basic authorizations.

4. In the "Author's Blog" section, click the name or email of the author you want to delete.

5. On the tab, click Remove.

That's all I have for you today about adding or invite guest bloggers as author or administrator. I really enjoyed the article? Please, please share.

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