Saturday 17 September 2016

Ways To Optimizing Your Blogger Labels for better SEO

Did I hear you say Google Blogger hate Label (categories in Wordpress) and labels correspond to the communications? Well, that may be true, but still Tags surely a Blogger search engine optimization SEO impact when properly optimized.

Blogger Label are important function SEO, especially when optimized, as they act as a beacon signal for readers and search engine spiders and robots.

You may have heard that the labels for the readers and not for search engines, which is the myth behind the tags and SEO Blogger. Therefore, in my opinion, affect SEO Blogger tags and that is why you need optimization bloggers labels for better SEO.

For now, the deployment of erroneous Label, categories or labels to represent your niche and segmented for any content marketing not only hurt the user experience, but the search engine optimization because labels are words key used to filter content and streamlined.

Why optimizing Blogger Label for better SEO?

It is optimized blogger labels to escape punishment Pander Google because the search engine spider and bot labels for normal communications. By default, the search engine spider to crawl and index all the pages and links included labels. But it becomes confusing and considered spam robots to access one label with multiple URLs as archive, label and post the url.

This was the main reason for the emphasis placed by Google for all Label and Label Archives should be nofollow and noindex as Custom robots.txt and Disallow: / Search in custom header robots header tag. This practice does not necessarily mean that the labels have an impact on the search engines, but to avoid the robots simply sending and again to the same page of labels with multiple URLs. The fact is that the appropriate use of labels and categories can cause an increase in search engine optimization blogs, especially when optimized.

To improve search engines and prevent Confuse search bots, you must optimize Blogger tags to improve search engine optimization. This is done simply by changing the label on the label. search robot pattern has been advanced, and now can determine the label and the actual URL.

Blogger tag optimization for better SEO

So look spider now see and determine the labels, the label must optimize your blog on labels, the crawling and indexing on search engines for better optimization of the blog search engines. The following process must guide:

1. Log in to your Blogger Dashboard Blogsopt.

2. Click Template >> Edit HTML.

3. Edit HTML Template Editor code that contains many HTML codes open. Place the cursor in the code and press CTRL F to search box to open.

4. In the open search box, enter the tracking code to search by pressing Enter.

<a expr: href='data

5. When you find the code (it will highlight), just replace the code below.

<a expr: href='data
label.url' rel='tag'

6. Now click Save Template.

At that time, the label has been fully optimized Blogger. You need to find if = rel "tag" in the search code, which means that their blogger labels already been optimized, so you have to ignore the change, or otherwise, must ensure that your optimized labels blogger on labels, for exploration and indexing, and easy to mix the contents for the search engines.

Here is the end of the article today in optimizing Blogger tags for better SEO. So of course, he found his article of the invention must share with good eyes to social media, and so comment if deemed necessary.

Please , Kindly Share

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