Saturday 17 September 2016

Today Ads drive most Internet traffic in Europe

With all the buzz and fuss about ad blockers and how harm the Internet we know today, it is interesting to see how much traffic these ads actually lead. As a result, more than you expect. According to a new report from Adobe Digital Insights, more than two thirds (68 percent) of all European traffic, it is driven by ads. Overall traffic is also increasing. In Europe, more than half (54 percent) of their sites traffic has increased over the past three years.
In addition, mobile advertising is catching up. personal publicity, advertising strategy seems to work pretty well, is not as popular in Europe as in the US, according to the report. personalized ads, such as direct email or social advertising, accounted for 36 percent of new traffic for the growth of US sites. In Europe, the percentage is eight.
"Internet traffic is about to saturation in Europe and elsewhere. The days of Web traffic organically to an end. The new growth will require a shift in thinking that revolves around a global consumer experience capitalization mobility, the implementation of a market mix that supports the customer journey, and create custom content that resonates with the customer, "says Becky Tasker analyst manage such as Adobe digital Insights.
Europeans are very sensitive to ads, too, with 44 percent said they use blocking software Ad to stop the annoying and interruptive advertising. The ads are automatically played music also identified as very annoying, especially in France, the UK and Germany.

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