Monday 12 September 2016

Samsung shares plunge suffers FAA ad ban Note 7

There is no doubt that not only Samsung image suffering from the current issue facing the Galaxy Note 7, but their pockets have holes to tell this story in the future.

, Estimates have since only retirement program is sufficient to make global brand loses more than $ 1 billion, but with the recent ban on flying the FAA device, Samsung is ready to suffer more, because their stocks and shares have taken an important step down.

The announcement given by the FAA was one of the last nails entered the sealed casket and mark as investors seemed to be pulling everything and take their business elsewhere, at least for now. In general, the amount that was shaved company shares equivalent to a whopping $ 10 billion, leading to a further devaluation of the brand and its mobile division.

At this time, we hope Samsung can do something fast to get to the top of the Android market, especially with Apple grab the headlines with the latest version of its iPhone and iPhone July 7 Plus.

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