Monday 3 October 2016

How You Can Use A Button As Read More Link On Your Blogger Blog

I recently shared a tutorial on how I added the automatic thumbnail for more with my Blogger blog. If you were able to successfully integrate into your blog template, here is another tutorial on how to style your link to read more by using the link button.

If you check the blog my homepage, you will see that I am already using a button as my link here. You can also see a screen shot of my blog in the next frame.

How to Use a Button as your read more link:

=> Enter your Blogger dashboard

=> Choose a section of your template and click Edit HTML

=> Use CTRL F to find this html code into your template section

<Span class = style 'readmore' = 'float: right; ">

=> When you find the code that will look like the code below

<Span class = style 'readmore' = 'float: right; "> <a Expr:href='data:post.url'>Read More» </a>

=> Replace Read More "in blue with the following code

<Img src = "" />

=> Click Save Template.

Note: You can also replace the link button to link a button that you have selected to use.

Now you can visit your blog. You must have read over the link that appears as a button.

I hope this tutorial is useful. Share your contributions using the comment box.

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