Saturday 19 November 2016

How to Add, Remove, And Rearrange Apps On The Apple Watch dock

The watchOS 3 Dock Apple Follow includes a function that allows you to access the frequently used applications by pressing the button on the long side. You can add, remove, and rearrange applications in the Dock to better meet your needs.

To add an application to the docking station on the clock, you must first open the application, then open the Dock and go to "Recent". Wait a few seconds, then press "Keep in Dock" when it appears under the recently used application.

If you want to quickly remove an application, you must scroll to the application you do not want and click "Delete".

Finally, if you want to change the order of your applications, pull the application and move it to the left or right in the desired position.

All these actions can also be performed by applying View to your iPhone. First, open the application, then press "Dock."

Once you have opened the Dock settings, press the "Edit" button in the upper right corner.

To add applications to the Dock, press the " " button to the left of the Dock. To remove applications from your Dock, press the red "-" button.

To rearrange applications, hold and drag the application using the three lines along the right edge.

Once you are satisfied with your changes, press the "Done" button.

The Dock is definitely a step in the right direction for the clock because it is one of those devices for which each will have its own very specific uses. To this end, being able to quickly access some of your favorite apps will save a lot of time hunting for them.

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