Friday 18 November 2016

Blogging mistakes You Should Avoid To Be Original

Gizng Today I will share with you, Noble Blog readers, my blog mistake that you should avoid, especially if you are a upcoming blogger, here is the list of mistakes I made. As a novice blogger, you should avoid.

Before you can be fully called a blogger, then you must have a top-down experience in Blogging.

 without wasting your time. Please see the list below of them;

 Blog Niche 

I started my first blog as a new blogger, the news Why?

He had brothers who are the new bloggers and we happened to be on the same platform. Due to massive traffic I saw it on your blog, I went and opended a blog and named ............... After a while, all liked what you are blogging About your blog Niche But for me it was another story. Because first I want to be a Tech Blogger, but the first question I ask my self "who will visit your blog. Everyone wants to know what is going on in their country, both in terms of infratructure and other sectors, "That is what discourages me from doing what I want. At this moment.

My advice to you is that before entering the blogs know what you want blog on. I refer to your niche blog is very important. As is the foundation of all Blogger.

Electoral Staff

After choosing a niche blog also choose a good model. I spent most of my time looking for a good model. The reason is because they do not really know what I want for my car. Be yourself and choose the best model that best interprets your niche blog.

Be Original
Be original, because not really know what I want for my Self, I started as a copy cat. I copied post people when it was new Blogger. I copied it into the different new category to the relationship. Be yourself. There is a reward for hard work each. Learn how to write your message in your car. Or even if you want to copy a post take prior authorization from the author or simply include your website link below publication, you can not apply for credit for another man's work. Write your own copy let someone else and ask for credit will be happy? I know your answer is the capital No: So Be Yourself

Do Research
As a blogger you should do some research to find people who have been on the ground before you and try to connect with them and discover their secrets with them keeping them intouch with their social media. Share with them your experience and listen to your answer too.

Above are my vital blogging mistakes. Evitals. And do what you need to do:

All questions or suggestions kindly use the comment box below.

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