Thursday 17 November 2016

Here are 6 ways to make money with your blog In The World 

Blogging is a discussion of a website or information published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (" posts ").

There are many ways to make money with your blog the other day I was talking about how bloggers lose money from their blogs even without knowing it monetize only with PPC ads while Losing money impressions not monetized.

Today I will share several other ways to make money with a blog apart from PPC and CPM advertising. You can decide which monetization model will work best for you or you can combine your existing method of advertising and earn extra money from your blog.

1. PPC advertising (Pay per click):

PPC advertising is the type of advertising that makes money when a visitor clicks on blocks the ads embedded on your blog. Simply sign up with a PPC advertising network like Google adsense, generate and insert some snippets of code on your site and the ads appear on their websites and make money when a visitor clicks on the ads on your website .

In this type of advertising, your profit is based on the price the advertiser agrees to pay per click, known as CPC (cost per click).

Say the CPC for the campaign is $ 0.10 and you get 100 clicks a day, your winnings will be 100 0.10 x $ = $ 10.

This type of ad is suitable for sites with good traffic because there is a greater tendency to more people clicking on your ads when there are a lot of visitors on the site.

PPC advertising networks other than Google Adsense Include;

2. CPM advertising (cost per 1000 impressions):

The CPM ad is an ad type that money is earned impressions from your blog. In this type of advertising, you earn a certain amount of fee agreement for 1000 impressions.

If the campaign CPM is $ 3 and receive 5k daily impressions, your profit will be $ 3 x 5 = $ 15 per day.

This type of ad is best for sites with huge impressions of traffic and page. The best part is that your ads do not have to click for you to earn money adsense unlike Google.

Some CPM ad networks include;

3. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another way to make money with your blog. Here simply earn commissions on products sold through your site.

There are tons of traders out there who are willing to pay the head of the sales commission.

You can join programs directly or indirectly through popular affiliate networks like Commission Junction and Clickbank.

When you join these programs, they provide tools such as banners and text links that you add to your site. When a visitor follows a link or banner to buy the product, you are paid a commission.

You can also search for popular Google products or companies and see if they offer affiliate programs.

4. Direct Banner advertising:

Another way to make money with your blog is by selling space for the banner. You can decide to sell the banner space on your blog for a certain amount of money.

Usually, flags are placed in boxes, so you can offer to sell some of the money space of the banner. It could be 300 x 250, 300 x 600, 160 x 600, 125 x 125, and so on.

This is best for sites with huge impressions, and advertisers are always interested in places with a large audience.

You can approach potential advertisers by offering to buy banner space on your blog for a period of time, providing traffic statistics and ranking.

5. Sponsored Products:

Publishing reviews of sponsored products is another way to make money with your blog. There are some awesome comments sponsored markets out there that can give you the opportunity to do sponsor offers review of the product.

Sponsored just write about a specific product, post on your site and get paid for it publications.

This is one of the methods we use to make money with my blog. You can approach advertisers directly for payment by check or join some of the sponsored post networks.

Some of the networks of a sponsored review attachable are



6. Text Link Ads

Link text ads are another popular way to make money with your blog but you have to adhere to Google's webmasters, otherwise your site may be penalized for passing the link to external sites.

There are a lot of webmasters out there who have been making money with this method without problems. Make sure to attach "nofollow" attribute labels to the text of the link ads.

Here are some markets and text networks to which you can join.



No matter which monetization model you use for your blog, you can diversify and increase their income combined with some of the methods shared here.

Do you know other ways to make money with a blog? Which of these ways do you use to make money with your blog? Use the comments section below to share with me.