Tuesday 4 October 2016

The Main Reasons Why Search Engines Might Have Been Ignoring Your Website

There have been many complaints here and there, especially those who are new blogs saying that Google and other search engines are not indexing the whole of your website, even if it made the week and so on ... This is very true, but i really want to know that nothing happens without cause or reason.

You may experience this because part or all of the following reasons, I have shortlisted the box then you are guilty of and make corrections or modifications necessary.

They are listed as follows:

(1) The inability for search engines to read the content of your site:

Knowing this, that the search engines make use of software to get your web / site indexed Web pages. A Web page that appears so great that the eye can be completely "meaningless" to the search engines, and can completely ignored.If you have a beautiful site that is "meaning" to search engines, you will not be able to get the ranking of top search engines with this site, regardless of how the content of your website perhaps it is fresh and interesting. In general, search engines can not detect the content presented in images (PNG, JPEG, GIF, etc.), Flash, JavaScript and elements of other scripting languages ​​or other multimedia file now you need to know how search engines see your web page, using a spider simulator search engine. The free IBP trial has a fully functional spider simulator that gives you the opportunity to see their web pages through the eyes of a search engine.

(2) Check for "noindex" in settings Goal: If you add NOINDEX in developing meta tags which means that you do not want robots to index your site at all.

Therefore, make sure they are not included on the label and if they are included then deleted.

(3) Web pages may contain spam elements:

If your site contains an anti-spam component unit that is capable of destroying all your SEO work. If you make use of "hidden text" or other spam elements on their website, many search engines will not list your website no matter how good your content may be.

If you use white text on a white background, text in invisible CSS or similar items that could be interpreted as spam, you should delete these elements as soon as possible. It will be difficult to get high rankings if your web pages contain spam elements.

Simply submitting your site to search engines is not enough. If you want to get high rankings, you must make sure that the search engines can access your web pages without problems.

Finally, make sure that the search engines to find the right content on your web pages and your website should have enough inbound links.

Note: Use the IBP program to help make your site more visible in search engines.

(4) Site-indexing:

This literally means that search engines stop indexing your website or even cancel that earlier period were listed. This problem may be the result of the content of your site host as spam, regular change your URL, false publication of articles and which are not relevant.

(5) copy / paste or content:

I think we all know what that means, continue to publish articles to another person directly without recognizing the true owner, and wait for your site indexed how this work, I can assure you that if you continue in this way your site will later be banned and you will lose your website and work to transform a size.

If more than one URL on the same site are links to several pages with the same content, then you can probably have a duplicate content problem that affects your site

So make sure that all its contents are original and unique.

Find and delete all duplicates in your website, you will see changes in how search engines will begin to index your site.

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