Tuesday 4 October 2016

How To Disable Right Click On The Site Code Or Hide Source Of The Page

Hey guys, as indicated in the subject of the article "How to disable right-click the site's source code or a hidden page" is intended primarily for bloggers and fellow Web developers. The main objective of this short piece is to help you hide the source code of the website by disabling right-click on each page. This is to prevent your original work to know the vital information blog because it was 'up' / copied.

What is the source code page?

This is self-explanatory gurus, but for many beginners, the [PSC] source code page is a file that contains the elements used in the design of your website, such elements html include, css, pop, Javascript E.T.C. The source code of a web page [who has no right mouse Off] can be seen by right-clicking on the Web site of your choice by clicking on the Source option [almost all browsers PCs have this option], which makes designing your vulnerable to be duplicated, because almost all people have access to a PC will be presented with the codes have worked to reach the site.

Viewing the code of any blog / site Source

As noted above, to see the source code of a website does not require much effort, all you have to do is visit a page on the blog / web of your choice, 'right click' mouse and select "View source option page." It's as easy as that.

Hiding "View Source" And Off "right click" on all your web pages

I know you are eager to know how to disable "right click" and select "page source" hide. Just follow the following guidelines strongly.

NB: Model backup of your blog before you change anything, I will not be responsible for any defects in the design of your blog.

This is for people on the blogspot platform

>> Log in to your Blogger Dashboard.

>> Go to the template and click the "Edit HTML".

Copy the following text >> [those black background].

<script language='JavaScript'>

<!-- Script To Disable Right Click By - http://www.gizng.com -->

var message = "function disabled";

function rtclickcheck(keyp){ if (navigator.appName == "Netscape" && keyp.which == 3){ alert(message); return false; }

if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 && event.button == 2) { alert(message); return false; } }

document.onmousedown = rtclickcheck;


>> In the HTML editor, use Ctrl F to find the section of the head.

>> Paste the code that the article had already copied just before the closing head tag.

>> Save the template, visit the blog home page or any other page on your blog, try using the left mouse button to see if the script is now infused effective.

Web developers

All you have to do as a web developer to disable the right mouse button and hide your source code is simply copy the script, open the cod design your Web page, paste the code that was previously copied throughout the design of the head section.

This is the end of the article and now you must have disabled the right click on the web page of your blog. If you encounter problems with the tutorial terms, please notify the administrator via the comments section.

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