Wednesday 5 October 2016

How Custom Installation Robots Tags in your head Blogger

As you know, we are talking robots tag settings in the blogger. Follow the steps below to make it.

Step 1: Visit and login to your account. In the list of your blog, choose the one you want to change the labels of robots.

Step 2: Then go to Settings >> Search preference. There you can see a so-called custom robots header tags crawler and indexing environment. Click the Edit link to the right of it.

Step 3: In this step, you will notice two radio buttons. Obviously, the first should be your choice.

Step 4: Now you get a set of check boxes. But do not be intimidated! It can feel like a complex issue, but it is not. You can put it on your own by reading the "Custom Robots Tags head and purpose" again. Or, just follow the same configuration I have chosen (see image below) and click Save Changes.

Note: We can put it on the home page, pages and pages of archive entries also.

Viva! Does this

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