Saturday 10 December 2016

Proven Ways To Drive traffic to Your Blog Without SEO

There is no doubt that search engines serve as a way to drive massive traffic to our blogs. But getting a top list on search engines can be difficult lending especially for novice bloggers. SEO means Search
Engine Optimization and there are techniques used by bloggers of higher rank in the search engine. As a new blogger of high rank in the search engine could be difficult because the blogger of the age have higher domain Authority and back links.

Traffic is one of the best factors that a good blogger to be successful. You can not be blogging and do not have anyone reading your article, it is like preparing for an exam that will not be marked or write a book

It will not be marked. You might end up dropping blogging or losing passion for blogging. Imagine If no Google or bing or yahoo, then maybe wondering how they could increase traffic to your blog. Y

Article, I will explain how you can get your blog traffic without SEO.

1. Commenting in Blog

Blog comments can be very useful for the blogger because it can help build backlinks for your blog. Frequently comments on high authority blogs in your niche helps the blog owner to identify and there you can get to start a conversation with him. Blog posts should not be spammy as the publication of freuqent their links in the blog comment is inappropriate. Post links in the blog comments on the blog to post on their revealing blog when a visitor asks questions about these issues. Th visitors or other frequent visitors would click on the link if they find it useful. By doing so, you have the ability to provide assistance to the visitor and generate traffic to your blog too. If the visitor that your blog, then he / she often start visiting.

It is advisable to use your name by commenting on these blogs instead of your blog URL, which will give managers or print blog owners who are not leaving comments to promote your blog.

2. Publication of Guests

Guest has served as a good way for new bloggers to get your site identified the best blogs in your niche. A client post must be high quality content that visitors like to read. Before you get started on the client post should notice your niche sites that accept guest posting. You can also get the sites you want to publish a google search engine guest message. For example, you can write your (niche type) and (client node string). Common channels include guest post post, contributed to, write us, they suggest a post, customer post written by. Once you get the sites you want to publish your client post, you can contact an admins site using the contact page. The message you send to the site administrator takes questions into account. Do not mistake, compliments your blog saying you like the way you write and tell it you would live to post a client post on your blog. Follow your answers and send a rich high edition. If the administrator likes the post, you can build a good relationship with the manager so have a better chance of sending more guest posts.

3. Social media

Social media has proven to get as much traffic as search engines. Social media can be regarded as new age SEO because you can get thousands of traffic from them depending on how interactive you are with your audience. Signing up for top social medias such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Youtube and even Whatsapp. You might be actually be wondering how Whatsapp messenger can actually drive traffic to your blog. I have a tech blog which I shared Android tips, browsing, flashing roms and phone specs. I created a page where interested visitors could join my Whatsapp group and I was able to create three
groups. I became interactive with the groups solving problems for the users and referring them to my blog url If the problem was in my blog. Also, I updated them regularly with new updates from my blog and to my surprise, my traffic jumped from 10k to 15k. This was my Whatsapp strategy, you also get traffic from Facebook groups, Twitter and Google plus.
There are plugins like Jetpack, Coschedule, HYPEsocial Buffer,Revive old Post etc that helps autopost your post to social medias like Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, linked in etc. This shows on your audience timeline when they login and they click on topics that they like therefore bringing back traffic to your blog. You should also learn to interactive with your audience on Social medias by replying to their queries or commenting when questions are asked. Try and avoid spamming by not posting the same article constantly, that might annoy your audience so try as much as possible to keep them updated with new and fresh contents. You can also gain traffic from youtube from your Youtube videos. Creating a channel in Youtube is easy, all you need to do is to sign in your gmail account, confirm your name and start posting. For example in my android tech niche, I created Youtube videos of solving certain problems in your Android device and after the video you can tell your viewers to visit your blog on how to get the written tutorial or files needed to solve the android problem. By so doing, I was able to drive traffic from Youtube to my blog.

4. Giveaways and Promos

Giveaways and promos are the best ways to drive traffic to your blog. They help to draw your visitors back to your blog and stay longer. Giveaways involves engaging your users in your website to gain free
products or services. I have been blogging for over two years now on my tech blog I engaged in a free new year giveaway promo promising winners free recharge cards of over $10. All they had to do was to follow me on my twitter handle, like my Facebook
page, be constantly commenting my blog and sharing them to Facebook and Twitter. I shared the giveaway promo to my whatsapp group, facebook and on twitter and before two days, I could see increase in comments and my followers. I eventually selected five winners at the end of the month and gave that $10(#2000) recharge cards each of their choice. I was able to accomplish two things. First and increase in traffic that month than the previous two months and secondly, an increase in my fbk fans and twitter followers.
Promos are related to giveaways. If you sell products like Phones or ebooks, you can decide to slash the price to half giving this to some certain users that perform certain tasks. It could be the for the first users that input their emails will get this promos. By doing this, you are getting your visitors to subscribe to your blog via e-mails and enable the visitors to want to check back for similar promos or offers.

5. Forums

Forums are also good strategies to drive traffic to your blog. They don’t only create awareness of your blog, but also serves as a quality backlink for your blog.  Top forums that have proven to be helpful to
me includes,,, I engage in forums by answering questions giving them links If it’s in my site, posting with a source link from my blog. You should also learn to abide by this forum rules and regulations or you might end up being banned by the moderators. Try to answer comment in a best possible way and prevent unnecessary posting of your links in the comments because that might arise to spamming. Also post quality
content and avoid read more at your website url, instead after posting, add Source: yourwebsite url. That will help create backlink and make users that love the post want to read more from your blog
there by driving traffic to your blog.

6. Interviews
Interviews from well-known people in the society or in your niche is a good way to drive traffic in your blog. For instance, If you have a music blog, you can interview a popular musician or upcoming artiste.
You can post the interview in your blog but in written format and video format. Your readers would love to view the post because the person is well-known or successful. You can the urge them to share to
friends on social medias thereby driving in more traffic to your blog. The person also interviewed can be of help to you by sharing the post on his/her social media handles. You might be surprised the traffic
the post would generate.

7. Email updates

Most online users have an email whether gmail or yahoomail or hotmail. Keeping them update with the latest trends from your blog is a good way to drive traffic to your blog. The problem is getting the mails of your visitors. There are strategies you can use to engage your users in subscribing to your blog post. The best two strategies are giveaways and pushup subscriptions. These two strategies have helped
me in updating my users via mail. As earlier discussed in giveaways, you can tell your viewers to input their email to be eligible for the promo or offers. This will prompt visitors to be input their email and
subscribe to your post updates via mail. Another way is pushup subscription allows e-mail subscription pop-ups to visitors when viewing your blog. Widgets or plugins from feedburner, mailchimp,
summome, sharethis, support this pop-up notifications. You should set time for the mail pop-ups like one weekly or daily so avoid it from driving your visitors away. You should be strategic and use captivating words that would allow them subscribe to your blog post.
For example for my niche, I can use “Don’t miss the all in one blogging package from Prolifekits”, input your mail now. That would allow users that view the pop-up subscriptions, subscribe to my blog
post via mail.


Search engines has proven to be a good source of traffic but as new bloggers, you should focus more on social medias, promos and giveaways and other strategies mentioned above because one you start getting quality traffic, believe me, Google and other search engines would start ranking you higher.
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