Saturday 10 December 2016

6 ideas To Promote Your Blog / Website For Free Without Paying Anything 

If you already have a website and running but lack specific visitors, take a look at 6 free ways to promote your website:

Use video

The videos are extremely powerful is done correctly. Choose a topic on which you feel comfortable talking and making a series of videos. You can put these videos on our blog, but make sure you also upload to YouTube and other video sites. You can also choose to have only a text message on your website and video on video sites.

Be creative. There are several types of videos out there. You can simply display your screen, you can register, whatever you want.

Make your videos are interesting and captivating.


Podcasts are becoming more and more popular every day. They allow you to connect directly to your audience and there are many people who prefer to read a post podcasts or watch a video. Just try.

Using Forums

Start by creating a spreadsheet of all the forums in your niche. Open an account with each and create a signature with a link or two pointing to your site. Then find the discussions where you can give a good view. The more answers, the better. This will not only make you more links pointing to your site (within your business) because it also allows you to become an authority in your niche, as other people in the forums will begin to recognize.


Although not as commonly used today, it is always good to have links pointing to your site. And with article sites, you can have this through the "resource box" at the end of the article.

Commenting On Other Blogs / Website 

There are many blogs that still have their comments open. Simply make a list of the best blogs in your niche, and make sure that you have a link to your website. Then, once a day, through all the blogs that have found and see if you can leave a relevant comment. Be careful not to spam or say something redundant. Your credibility is on the line here.

 Guest Blogging

Guest Blogging is quite common nowadays and there are many blogs that accept client posts. Again, you need to make a list of the most relevant blogs that accept guest posts and see their guidelines carefully. So just go and try to be accepted. Make sure that you choose blogs allow you to have at least a link pointing to your site.

Each of these methods works alone; But it is much better to use them to see more results before. Consistency is key and in time you will see sustained growth in new visitors and visitors returning to your website.

If you want a fully responsive and beautiful website ready to convert or if you are having trouble getting targeted traffic to your website, make sure to visit WebsiteSprout -

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