Sunday 26 February 2017

How to setup wordpress custom login page [Modify Login Page In WordPress]

Hello friends am back here with the working method for How to setup wordpress custom login page. wanna change your wordpress site login page as your custom wish. You can modify your current wordpress login page using this effective way easily. Unfortunately there are no official options to customize your wordpress login page. But here in this tutorial, you can completely change your login page with new look. This article will teach you the basics of how WordPress login system working and how to modify it to look exactly with our custom wish.

In this post am sharing some effective ways to Add a custom login page background in wordpress and Replace the WordPress logo with a custom logo on login page and all other useful details that you expect in your wordpress site.

How to setup wordpress custom login page :

  • Login to your site cpanel and navigate to your themes folder.
  • Then create the new folder and name it aslogin.
  • Then open the folder and create new txt file with the name custom-login-styles.css
  • Now login your wordpress site and go toappearance > Editor.
  • Here paste the below code in yourfunctions.php

function my_custom_login() {
echo ‘<link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”‘ . get_bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’) . ‘/login/custom-login-styles.css” />’;
add_action(‘login_head’, ‘my_custom_login’);

  • Now save the file and open the custom-login-styles.css file.
  • Pate below code in the file and save it.

body.login {
background-image: url(‘Image Url’);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-position: center;

Replace the Imge url with your background image for your custom login page. After paste the above code in your custom css page, you can see the image file as your wordpress site login page background.

For replace the wordpress logo in login page, Just add the below code in your css file.

.login h1 a {
background-image: url(Login Page Image);

Just upload your site logo in your wordpress media and copy the image url to clipboard. Then replace the Login Page Image in the above code with your site logo image url with extension. Now save the file and confirm your customization. Then your wordpress image in the page changed with the login Page Image.

So guys, By using this method you can customize the look of your wordpress admin login page easily. Follow the all above steps carefully. You can also change your input field css in the login form using your custom css codes. If your wordpress login page not working for change css, Just comment below. I will help you to modify wordpress login page template.

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