Thursday 23 February 2017

How To Display Adsense Ads On WordPress Amp Pages

Hello guys here am gonna share you the working method for Adsense Ads On WordPress Amp pages. Google adsense used by many webmasters and bloggers for earn money online. Recently launched amp webpages for improve blog performance for mobile users. Google amps can also help us to improve our site ranking in search engines by improving seo. Many blogger and wordpress users currently using google amp for improve performance in search engines. Actually in amp webpages, Your page loads faster than your actual site loading time by disable javascript.

Google amp disable javascript in webpages and loads webpages faster in search results. While searching on google you can notify webpages with AMP Sign. These webpages loads faster in slow network and improve user performance in search engine. But here is the problem, While amp disable javascript in your webpages adsense ads will not accessible for your mobile visitors. So that your adsense page views and earnings gonna decrease by using google. But here in this post am sharing how to show adsense ads on wordpress amp webpage and prevent your blog earnings from amp pages.

Google Adsense Ad Code For WordPress Amp Pages :

The below ad code specially made for google amp webpages, It can display in any amp webpages without any javascript blocking issues.


  • Replace The pub id with your publisher id.
  • Replace Ad Slot with your slot id.

The ad code will help you to show ads on amp pages without any blocking issues. You can show adsense ads in your amp pages by following below procedures.

Display Adsense Ads On WordPress Amp Pages :

  • Goto wordpress plugin editor page.
  • Select google amp plugin and open it.
  • Navigate to amp/templates/single.php
  • Then find the <div class=”amp-wp-content”> in webpage by using ctrl f
  • Paste your adsense google amp page ads code below the line.
  • Then search do_action( ‘amp_post_template_footer’, $this ); and paste your amp ad code. Before beginning php open tag.

That’s all. Now save the file and confirm. Enjoy google adsense ads in wordpress amp pages. Now your blog earnings never decrease by using google amp in your wordpress sites.

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