Tuesday 10 January 2017

Top Best Ways To Promote Affiliate Products

Recently i wrote an article on how to make or earn cool money with affiliate marketing popularly known as affiliate program. In that same article i also explained the meaning of Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate Marketing is one of the ways to make money online in
which you promote other company's products or services so that they can be sold out, and you get a commission. This kind of sales network is also called as referral network.

Top Best Ways To Promote Affiliate Products are :

1. Affiliate Banners

Putting up or implementing affiliate banners is a nice way of promoting the products or services. Most of the Merchants (Affliate Staffs) offer creative banners, you just need to get the ad code and put on your blog or site. You might some find some banners not so attention grabbing, then you may design a good banner of your own, and then put wherever you want on your blog or site; then add the affiliate link to the banner-Understood?

Tip: You should work day & night to build authority in your niche so that when you recommend something, audience take that seriously.

2. Writing Reviews

Writing reviews of a particular affiliate product and services is getting popularity as it works like a charm for most of the affiliate marketers. This works in most cases because when you write a product review, you write everything about the product like an intro, features, pros, cons, and even pricing, Audiences or Blog readers get to know all the details, and if they feel satisfied, they would click the link (you must add product's affiliate Link
somewhere in the review copy) to buy the product.

tool has been reviewed in a great way. There you will find an affiliate link as well which is added there to direct people to the signup page, and if they buy a plan, the commission gets earned.
Mostly good affiliate marketers add the link at the end of the review to use it as CTA (Call To Action).

3. Creating a post with a list of Products

Sometimes you may write a post with a list of products with their short descriptions, and give buy now links there for every product. One more tip to convert more readers is to provide good in-depth details about the products you list. This way the reader will be convinced whether to buy or not. If you are writing smaller list posts, link each product to a review of the product you have covered previously. This will help the readers and ultimately you.

To give you some idea posts can be like:

1. 10 keyword research tools
2. 10 gadgets for your office
3. 8 best micro SD cards for your smart phone.
4. Top 5 laptops under N35,000

Then make the content of those posts contain your affiliate product's link rather Ad Link.

In such kind of posts, try to list products with smaller prices. To be more specific, I would say you should analyze your traffic sources and the audience type at first. Then you should write about products they usually use and need. This way you can convert the visitors more.

4. Send Newsletters mentioning the affiliate products

Many a time, when there are great deals & discounts are being offered by the merchant, you may make use of your
email list by sending them emails which talk about those offers. You should add your affiliate links to the mentioned products in the email. This works well!

Bonus Ways To Promote Affiliate Products are :

1. Sharing To Social Media Platforms :

You can also promote affiliate products on (your) social media platforms. This is the best way non-bloggers can promote affiliate products making use of their social media platforms.

To do this, you have to get the affiliate banner ad link, then download the preview of the affiliate banner ad. Now just go to your social media (anyone) then upload the image and put the Ad Link below(Facebook & twitter aspect).

For whatsapp, just share the banner ad preview image, then add the ad link as caption below the image. You can also write some details about the product on the affiliate banner or link.

2. Advertising Your Affiliate Products : 
Another bonus way to promote affiliate products is by advertising the product Online or Face to Face. In the sense that, you tell people to info or alert or meet you if they want to buy products online.

You can do this my saying "Mr/Mrs Sososo, Please if you want to buy products at cheaper price online, info me. You can tell them about Home Appliances & Gadgets(Understood).

No doubt, Affiliate marketing is one of the finest and the most lucrative ideas to make money online, but you must opt for the right approach. One important thing I would like to recommend you that don't promote affiliate products in every post you publish on the blog rather do it on regular intervals. Suppose if you publish 5 posts within 10 days then you should promote affiliate products
in one of those articles or after those 5. Means write a post to promote affiliate products after every 5 general posts. [Not necessarily, you can publish such posts whenever you want.] I am sure; this blog post helped you know some of the important steps to take to make money with affiliate marketing.

Share your ideas via comments.

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